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At Eyes on Avenue, we provide comprehensive primary eye care for the whole family. Preventative and routine eye exams are important in maintaining good eye health. Often, eye and vision problems do not have obvious symptoms or signs, but are easily diagnosed by a licensed Optometrist. By diagnosing eye and vision conditions early on, an Optometrist is able provide treatment options and in many cases restore or prevent vision loss. The Canadian Optometric Association recommends yearly or bi-yearly eye and vision exams, depending on whether you are at-risk or not.


During an eye exam, the Optometrist will ask you questions about any symptoms or issues you are experiencing, medications you are currently taking, any blurry vision, your work environment, and your overall health. Family history and previous eye or vision conditions will also be discussed during this part of the examination. This information is considered when determining any treatments or recommendations.


Vision Testing


The vision acuity test is part of a comprehensive eye exam. The Optometrist will measure how each eye is seeing by using a wall eye chart and a reading eye chart. The results of these tests are portrayed as a fraction, with 20/20 being the standard for normal distance and reading vision. Depending on the results of your vision test, the Optometrist may prescribe corrective glasses, contacts, or eye exercises.


Eye Function and Binocular Vision Assessment


In addition to vision testing, an eye exam in our Toronto office includes testing eye functionality and how the two eyes work together as a team. The Optometrist performs several tests to evaluate depth perception, colour vision, eye muscle capabilities, peripheral vision, and responsiveness to light. Several other simple tests are completed to determine whether the eyes are focusing, moving, and working together properly. The test results enable the Optometrist to diagnose any underlying conditions that may be impairing the eyes ability to focus or work together.



Eye Health


As part of a comprehensive eye exam, the Optometrist examines the overall health of the eye using a series of microscopes, lenses, and the aid of technology to capture retinal imaging and imaging of the eyelid glands. The Optometrist evaluates eye health by visually inspecting the eye and eyelids using magnification and a bright light. To examine the internal structures of the eye, the Optometrist will dilate the pupils with eye drops. A new technological instrument aids in the diagnosis of eye pressure issues which may cause glaucoma - we use an iCare tonometer for eye pressure readings, no "puff" test! After completing these tests, the Optometrist reviews the results and discusses any necessary treatment options with you.


Ancillary Diagnostics at Eyes on Avenue

At your eye exam, your doctor may suggest the use of one of our many technologies due to findings or complaints you may be having. This can include:

  • Meibomography: infrared images of the meibomian (oil) glands in your eyelids responsible for the"oily layer of your tear film. These can "drop out" and/or be damaged from different medications, age, smoking or environment. Meibomography allows for baseline measurements of these glands and re-assessment after dry eye treatment.

  • Topography: this is a "cornea map" which allows for diagnosis of certain cornea diseases like keratoconus. Topographical maps also allow for superior fittings for specialty contact lenses and pre-op measurements if considering LASIK or PRK.

  • Axial Length: the axial length is essentially the total length of the eyeball. The eye length increases with myopia, and this causes the retina to stretch and be at more risk for things like glaucoma, cataracts and retina disease. We monitor axial length biannually at our myopia control clinic to ensure treatment is working.

  • Retina Imaging: retina imaging is a great tool to monitor both healthy eyes and eyes with diseases . It allows us to track changes in the eye over time and pick up these changes much earlier by comparing images side by side.

  • Schirmer's Testing: this is a dry eye test that may indicate a more serious systemic condition that causes dry eye, such as Sjogren's Disease.

  • VitaRisk Genetic Testing: this is a genetic test we offer for our patients at risk for Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). Many studies indicate people of certain genotypes require different formulations of the AREDs vitamins that protect against macular degeneration. There are certain genotypes of people that may in fact be more at risk of progressing in their macular degeneration if consuming the wrong formulation of vitamins. 

  • MaculaRisk Genetic Testing: this is a genetic test we offer our patients at risk for Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). It is a deeper analysis of the genetics involved in macular degeneration and is able to predict a 10-year risk analysis of progression to more severe visually-impairing stages of disease. We generally recommend this test for those that either have a very strong family history of macular degeneration, or are already diagnosed with dry macular degeneration.

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